The program is here!
With films from 38 countries the TIFF 2022 program is filled with unique gems from all over the world.
Publisert 17.12.2021 — Hanna Hjelmeland
- Our program reflects a year full of great film. The ambition at TIFF is to bring you the world through film, and this has been our focus when making the festival program, says Festival Director at TIFF Lisa Hoen.
Norwegian world premiere
The Norwegian film A HUMAN POSITION by Anders Emblem will have its world premiere at TIFF 2022. Here we meet Asta, a journalist who seem melancholic for reasons we will come to understand. One day she reads about an asylum-seeker being evicted from Norway after 10 years. The story forces Asta to find her position, both in work life and personal life.
Powerful films in the sidebar program “The Price of Inequality”
TIFF had a sidebar on inequality in 2015, and the subject is still highly relevant to this day. There is a continuous and global inequality rise, even though we all agree that this is something to avoid. In the eight films in this sidebar program the directors focus on what sets us apart in both means of living and working life. We meet the charismatic CEO Blanco (Javier Bardem) in GOOD BOSS by Fernando León de Aranoa and the successful writer Marianne (Juliette Binoche) who get a job as a cleaning lady with minimum wage in order to write about her experience i BETWEEN TWO WORLDS.
TIFF Digital - films to watch from home
The opening film of our Films from the North program, SMILE AND WAVE by Eva Charlotte Nilsen, Paul Verhoevens highly entertaining BENEDETTA based on the true story about Benedetta Carlini, a nun in the 17th century and four films from our competition program are some of the films you can watch from home in Norway in our TIFF Digital program. This way we hope to include as many as possible coming festival, also those not able to attend in Tromsø.
Film concerts at Alfheim public swimming pool
We hope to create some spectacular evenings when inviting our audience to film concerts in (the empty) pool at Alfheim. Composer and performing musical director Herborg Rundberg sets music to WOMEN OF RYAZAN (Soviet, 1927), together with Marianne Halmrast (NO), Diana Makeeva (RU) and Lin Valentine (RU). The Film Concert IRAN MAYEN: KORONA, originally in our TIFF 2021 program which turned into a completely digital festival, is back at Alfheim in January 2022.