Entry guidelines

Guidelines for film submission, Films from the North

1. The film’s subject matter, the production itself or the film’s director should be based in the Barents region or other circumpolar areas. See regional specification below.

2. Short films, documentaries and feature films are accepted.

3. The film should be finalized during the last year.

4. The film should not have distribution in Norway prior to the festival. – Films already screened on Norwegian television or made publicly available on the internet for Norwegian users, are not eligible.

5. Selections will be made by the festival’s administration. Decisions of refusal will not be commented.

6. Films can be shown in or out of competition. Feature films need to have the Norwegian premiere with us to be eligible for competition.

7. For films selected for the festival, the screening format is DCP. We also accept films delivered as HD files. See more info. All screening copies must have English subtitles.

Eligible regions

Norway: Finnmark, Troms (incl. Svalbard) and Nordland
Finland: Lappland, North Ostrobothnia, Northern Karelia and Kainuu
Sweden: Norrbotten and Västerbotten
Iceland (all of it)
Greenland (all of it)
Russia: Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Nenets, Komi and Karelia
Canada: Yukon, Northwest Terretories, Nunavut
USA: Alaska


1. Submissions are done online from our web site. Submission deadline is October 10, 2025.

2. If the film is not completed at the time of submission, please contact us. Later delivery is accepted upon agreement with the festival.

3. The selection will be announced by early December 2025.

4. All screening copies of selected film should be in Tromsø by January 6, 2026.