19-25 January
Bures boahtin sámegielat olgočinui!
Mii ovttasbargat Redd Barnain ja Internašunála sámi filbmainstituhtain (ISFI) ja lágidat sámegielat olgočinu Stortorggas. Mii čájehat dan Japanska animašunfilmma CHIHIRO ILMMIID GASKKAS.
čájálmas lea nuvttá ja doppe oažžu juhkamuša ja biepmu.
Muitte viežžat billeáhta go bileahttavuovdin rahpasa.
Filmma birra
Bearaš lea fárremin ođđa gávpogii eret ruovttuguovllus, dan dihte 10-jahkásaš Chihiro lea eddon. Dán váivves dilis áhčči vel moive go vuodjá endorii ja bearaš láhppo vuovdái, imašlaš tunnealla lusa. Tunnealla nuppi geažis gávdno hilgojuvvon gávpot, gos várutmeahttun váhnenguovttos ihttohallába spiidnin. Chihiro ferte ceavzit amas birrasis ja bargat Yubaba-nammašas noaiddi lávggodanvisttis boares ipmiliiguin. Lihkostuvvágo Chihiro cuvket geaiduma?
Hutkás, sárgojuvvon muitalus Chihiro birra menestuvai hui bures oarjemáilmmis ja lei eanemus vuvdon filbma Japánas. Filbma vuittii The Golden Bear bálkašumi Berlina filbmafestiválas 2002:s ja buoremus animašuvnna Oscara seamma jagi.
Welcome to the Sámi Winter Cinema!
In collaboration with Save the Children and the International Sámi Film Institute, we are arranging a Northern Sámi family screening of the Japanese animation Spirited Away at our winter cinema on Stortorget.
The screening is completely free. Remember to pick up your ticket when the ticket sales open!
About the film:
Chihiro is a ten-year-old who is moving to a new neighborhood with her family, when the family accidentally finds a tunnel that leads to an abandoned amusement park. The father insists to visit it, but soon enough, Chihiro's parents are transformed into pigs, and Chihiro has to work at the bathhouse, where she meets Yubaba, the witch who runs the bathhouse. Will Chihiro manage to defeat the witch and find her parents back? This epic animation film became Japan's biggest box office success ever, a big hit in the West, and it won both the Golden Bear in Berlin and an Oscar statuette.
The screening will be in Northern Sámi with Norwegian subtitles.
Kl 17:00
Winter Cinema
Programme: | Winter Cinema, Winter Cinema Kids |
Original title: | Sen to chihiro no kamikakushi |
Director: | Hayao Miyazaki |
Country: | Japan |
Year: | 2015 |
Run time: | 2h 5m |
Screenplay: | Hayao Miyazaki |
Cast: | Mari Boine, Mikkel Gaup |
Dialogue: | Sami |
Producer: | Toshio Suzuki |
Source: | Arthaus |