Northern Expo: Musikk + kultur fra Nord

We're presenting some of the best music acts - across genres - from the north of Norway, in exciting locations and through unexpected experiences.

The films presented are: 

THE TIPPING POINT | music short film
The Tipping Point is based on the dramatic state of the world in 2021. Climate changes, geopolitical changes and a global pandemic affects the world. The myth of the Arctic as a desolated, untamed, forever unchanged place is challenged by the dramatic and chaotic reality we are facing. It becomes clear how everything is connected, and that the Arctic by no means is as isolated from the rest of the world as many might think. Knut Åserud's film sheds light on the relation between us human beings and nature, the feeling of chaos and isolation, uncertainty and hope.
On each of us rests an individual responsibility. At the same time we are distanced, both from each other and the challenges we are facing. Through the different parts of the film we are brought into a musical and cinematic universe that disturbes, touches and challenges us to feel. How much have you done?

The music is composed by Jakop Janssønn and lyrics by Moddi. The ensemble participating is the newly established Nordnorsk Jazzensemble, and the music is recorded during the lockdown period in February 2021 where the musicians didn't have the opportunity to gather but did the recordings from their home studios.

Director: Knut Åserud
The Tipping Point is the first work from the renowned photographer where he goes from stills to moving pictures.


Portrait of an Artist: SUSANNE LUNDENG | Music documentary
A visual portrait of the renowned Norwegian folk musician Susanne Lundeng from Bodø, where we get interesting reflections from a long career and a lot of music - with the impact of Northern Norway as a visual backdrop. 
We get to follow Susanne and her band on tour to unique places in Nordland county such as Beiarn and Værøy. We also travel with Susanne to the island Fleinvær that has a special place in her heart and in many ways has shaped her artistry.    

Director: Thor Brenne, Production company: 8010 Marina apt.

Portrait of a Musical Act: LEAGUS - “Flora Eallin” (live) feat. Nordnorsk Jazzensemble    
A MARTIN LOSVIK production.     

LEAGUS is a contemporary and improvised musical act from Northern Norway, rooted in a coastal Sami tradition. The duo consists of pianist and vocalist Herborg Rundberg and guitarist Kristian Svalestad Olstad.

Here we see LEAGUS perform parts of the work “Flora Eallin'' together with Nordnorsk Jazzensemble. Flora (plants), and “Eallin” means life in Sami language - the work is an ode to bushes and trees, seaweed and kelp, soil and moss. We get to join a musical journey that thematizes the importance of plant life for us human beings.

Director: Martin Losvik
Norwegian photographer and artist Martin Losvik, living in Valnesfjord, is well known for his distinctive style, which can both contain humor, surrealism and darkness.

Northern Expo x SXSW Online 2021
Live at the top of the world, in one big continuing live performance production that showcases four acts in different outdoor locations in the vibrant city of Tromsø - ending in spectacular scenery. The film was made as a digital showcase for the biggest music festival in the world - SXSW in Austin, Texas - and was by many one of the highlights of this year's festival.

The four acts are: 
OZAS (Sami joik meets jazz)
OTER / “YOUNG HOEL” (hip hop)
I SEE RIVERS (indie pop/ singer songwriter)

Director: Carl Christian Lein Størmer
Carl Christian Lein Størmer is an award winning filmmaker and musician from Tromsø.

“There have been dozens of impressive performances at SXSW this year, but none presented music in as stunning a fashion as today’s work from Northern Norway.”
— Austin Chronicle (main media partner of SXSW)




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Thursday 20. january

Kl 19:00
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