FFN - Shorts 5

In Shorts 5, we present short fictions and documentaries in competition. These films will make an impact.

Norway 2022
Directed by Sean Fee

Norway 2022
Directed by Emil Engesnes Bråthen

The Cycle
Russia, USA, Canada 2022
Directed by Darya Kuznetsova

Grandma's bread
Sweden 2022
Directed by Vonnie Larsson

A Statement of Resistance
Norway, Palestine 2022
Directed by Ali Jabaly

A Day After Work
Sweden 2022
Directed by Lars Vega

Min Festival


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Thursday 19. january

Kl 16:30
Fokus 2 (Bonordsalen)

Friday 20. january

Kl 10:00
Driv Cinema

Saturday 21. january

Kl 14:45
Fokus 4


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