Film Concert: Strike

This film concert lets you experience the screening of one of Sergei Eisenstein's emblematic films, Strike (1925) with live music by Kohib (aka Øivind A. Sjøvoll), Evgeny Popov, Kristian Svalestad Olstad and Ekaterina Okhaminskaya.

This iconic silent film from 1925 is Sergei Eisenstein's first full-length feature film, made the year before another masterpiece, Battleship Potemkin. The plot of the film takes place in 1903, when factory workers in pre-revolutionary Russia decide to go on a strike. The authorities brutally quell the revolts, resulting in the famous sequence when scenes showing the ruthless suppression of the strike alternate with footage of slaughtered cattle. The parallel between the fate of the animals and the workers' conditions is used several times in the film. Another central topic of Strike is collectivization versus Western's individualism.

The screening of this silent film will be accompanied by live music from four musicians from Norway and Russia: Kohib (aka Øivind A. Sjøvoll), Evgeny Popov, Kristian Svalestad Olstad and Ekaterina Okhaminskaya.



Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein (1898 - 1948) was a Soviet director and film theorist. He gained notoriety for his silent films depicting the condition of the workers and rebellion against oppressive powers, such as Strike, Battleship Potemkin (1925) as well as October (1928). He is also known for his epic historical films such as Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible.


1945 Ivan Groznyy 2 / Ivan The Terrible, Part II
1944 Ivan Groznyy 1 / Ivan The Terrible, Part I
1938 Aleksandr Nevskiy / Aleksandr Nevskij
1928 Oktyabr' Desyat' dney, kotoryye potryasli mir / October: Ten Days That Shook the World
1925 Bronenosets Potyomkin / Battleship Potemkin
1925 Stachka / Strike

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Friday 22. january

Kl 20:00
Winter Cinema


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