Talking About the Weather

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In pursuit of an academic career, 39-year-old Clara is in limbo between her social status and stuck-up norms at the university. A less glamorous upbringing in the periphery does not fit in well with advancements in the alluring course of education.

When visiting the provincial area where Clara grew up, and where her mother still lives, she realizes how far she has moved away from her roots in her search for a self-determined life. If possible, she feels even more out of place here than at the university. What does it mean to belong and what does it take to make your superiors proud? Doing whatever it takes to not be so lost. If you only find out which relationships are worth fighting for.

Even the relationship with the mother is a challenge. The perception of what makes parents proud may not always be so simple. There is love here, but communication and understanding are anything but standardized.
There's something about this sense of self, this sense of confidence, even for a smart woman maneuvering between such different environments. They are all proud of her, but no one is really that interested. This makes it difficult to navigate her own expectations and what everyone else around her might think. Is it all a hopeless striving to give life meaning or was it the search for closeness and warmth that really meant something?


Annika Pinske (b. 1982) has with her feature film debut, Talking about the weather/Alle reden übers Wetter, also presented her graduation film from the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). Long before that she worked for the theatre director René Pollesch while studying philosophy and literature. Later she worked as an assistant to filmmaker Maren Ade.


2016 Taschengeld/Change (short)
2016 Homework (short)
2015 Spielt keine Rolle (short)
2012 Hey, Cowboy (short)

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Monday 16. january

Kl 22:00
Hålogaland Teater

Wednesday 18. january

Kl 14:15
Fokus 1

Sunday 22. january

Kl 09:15
Fokus 1


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