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Some young girls from the arctic village Pangnirtung, have to show great courage, horror-movie knowledge and proud Innuit hunting- tradition skills to escape from bloodthirsty aliens. This is adventure, horror, a splash of sci-fi and loads of charm.

A diverse group of friends are hanging out on the longest day of the year, while their parents are busy celebrating summer solstice. They are bored and decide to "borrow" a boat from one of the girls’ fathers, but suddenly they find themselves in the middle of an alien invasion. These creatures clearly do not have good intentions. Wild animals are being killed, and the aliens are taking residence in the dead bodies to hunt for more blood. The girls decide to take up the fight and with an old rifle, some Inuit hunting weapons and their clever minds they are ready to show the invaders that no one should underestimate the girls from Pang.

In her debut feature film, director Nyla Innuksuk has equipped herself with the genuine genre characteristics and talented non- professional actors to draw a close portrait of the Inuit culture and dynamics amongst the youth. The history of colonisation with the following social challenges and internalised shame regarding Indigenous peoples are underlying topics. But she has also created a full heartedly pure entertainment movie within the classic body horror genre, with some additional jump scares and lo-fi monster effects.


Nyla Innuksuk is an Inuit director, writer, producer, and virtual reality content creator from Canada. She is the CEO of Mixtape VR and also wrote a short story for the comic Marvel Voices: Heritage #1. Slash/Back is her debut feauture film.


2018 Future History (TV-series)
2016 Breaths (short)
2015 Kajutaijuq (short)
2012 Stories from Our Land 1.5: Inngiruti: The Thing That Sings! (short)

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